Harrow Council Early Career Teacher Induction Privacy Notice
You are providing your information to Harrow Council’s ECT Appropriate Body Service, debbie.cummings@harrow.gov.uk. The Council’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted via DPO@harrow.gov.uk
Your information is collected for the purpose of statutory induction as required to fulfil the council’s duties under legislation, Sections 135A, 135B and 141C(1)(b), of the Education Act 2002 and associated Education (Induction Arrangements for School Teachers) (England) Regulations 2012.
The information will be shared with the headteacher/principal and induction tutor(s) of the school/setting in which you undertake the process. The information is shared with these members of staff in your school to validate your qualified teacher status in the first instance to enable them to fulfil their statutory duties as required for induction of newly qualified teachers.
The categories of personal data that will be processed include: contacts; d.o.b.; national insurance number and teacher qualification details obtained from the Teaching Regulation Agency (formerly National College of Teaching and Leadership); progress reviews, assessement reports and information around additional support and monitoring if provided.
Your information will not be shared with any organisation other than the school/setting in which you work, or to a new school or Appropriate Body in the event of an ECT moving school during their induction period; see below the relevant statutory guidance (2.7)
Where an ECT has already completed part of their period in another institution, the headteacher/principal should contact the ECT’s previous appropriate body to obtain copies of any progress review records or assessment reports (including any interim assessments). They should establish how much induction time remains to be served and alert the new appropriate body to any concerns that have been raised about the ECT’s progress by previous employers.
The information shall be retained for six years and shall be processed in adherence to your legal rights, including but not limited to the right to withdraw consent, right to copies of your information and right to be forgotten.
If you are dissatisfied with the processing of your information, you can raise your concern with the council’s data protection officer. You have a right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner’s Office (www.ico.org.uk).
Further information regarding Harrow’s privacy notice can be found at http://www.harrow.gov.uk/info/200116/media_publicity_and_web/819/privacy_and_cookies.